October 20, 2010

30 Day Challenge!

I am the worst. blogger. ever! And because I know this all to well, I have decided I am going to commit myself to a 30 day blog challenge, and thus REcommit myself to the blogging world! :) Stole this from Katie's Journey & thought it looked fun! (You should totally check it out and learn more about it & join in!) I will absolutely try my best to blog every day, but I might have to lump a couple of days together and blog every few days because with school & chasing around an almost two year old, I don't have many breaks!

Ready or not, here I go :)

Day One:
Introduce, Recent picture, 15 interesting facts

Hi! I'm Christy! (If you didn't already know) I'm a 22 years old & a full time nursing student. I graduate in December & just got my first RN job in the ER, which both extremely excites me and terrifies me at the same time. I have an almost 2 year old daughter named Ella, who without a doubt is the sweetest, coolest little person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I am engaged to a wonderful man named Tony, who is my very best friend, and an the most excellent father. Couldn't imagine my life any differently! :)

..Interesting Facts..
one: I still sleep with my blanky from when I was little.
two: I don't like hamburgers.
three: i'm the middle child, in between two boys.
four: i pray everytime I hear sirens for whomever those sirens are going to.
five: I would love love love to adopt one day.
six: I love photography blogs, and really wish I had talent, but i'm just as content admiring other people's talent!
seven: i buy the precut cookie dough pieces and devour a whole box in less than two days.
eight: i have three tatoos.
nine: i eventually would really like to go to grad school & become a midwife.
ten: speaking of school, I love it. but I am THE worst procrastinator ever.
eleven: i'm a tabloid junkie.
twelve: i'm slightly OCD. I love making lists and organizing everything.
thirteen: i'm a total hypochondriac.being a nurse only made that worse!
fourteen: I really really loved being pregnant.
fifteen: speaking of, i'm ready for another baby :) but more ready to be a wife.

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