February 25, 2011

my heart hurts.


My heart is breaking right now, for a mama I don't even know.
Her story absolutely shook me to the core, and I began crying uncontrollably, for quite a long time I might add. I just don't understand why some things happen. I have a hard time understanding why God can let something like this happen. Even though it isn't my child, and I have been so blessed. I can't help but get angry at God for the things that happen to other families. I do believe that God has a plan. I believe that everything happens for a reason, but this is just one of those areas I have a hard time accepting. I pray every day I never have to know anything more about it than what I read on paper. I cannot imagine being a woman who has to bury her child. The thought of it alone is more than I can even handle. As weak as those women must feel, I am astonished by their strength.

Obviously I love my child beyond words. But there are days, yes, that she drives me crazy! Sometimes to the point of tears. But I love her SO incredibly much, and I couldn't imagine one second of my life without that precious little blonde haired, brown eyed girl. I am still amazed by the love I feel for her. As soon as I became a mother, for the first time I was truly able to understand how much my parent's love me. And for anyone who doesn't have a child, it would be impossible to put into words how much your heart grows and can love someone else. It is absolutely an indescribable feeling.
But sometimes, I think I forget how incredibly blessed I am. How lucky I am to have such a healthy, happy little girl. I read stories, and hear about people who aren't so fortunate. Who have horrible things happen to their children, are unable to have a child of their own, or who every day deal with life threatening illnesses. My heart just aches for them, and I pray for those women, and try to understand. I feel that i'm given these reminders just so that I never take for granted the wonderful life i've been given. I really am so lucky to have such a perfect, healthy baby, and I never, ever, want to forget that.

November 1, 2010

Day 2-4 :)

Maybe i'm just not meant for the blogging world. My procrastination wins every single time :) Oh well, here we go on another attempt!

--Day 2 --
Meaning behind your blog name.

So I would really really love to be super creative, but sometimes I really fall short in that area. This one, is no exception- I know, such a disappointment.
Life, Love, & surviving motherhood.

That right there {basically} sums up my whole life, {though I think I should probably add nurse in there too haha} and the whole purpose this blog is supposed to hold. I'd love to learn to use my blog as an outlet for stress, and a memory keeper of all those little details about being a mommy that I really hope I don't forget.

If I ever become a serious blogger, I think i'll make my page represent it. For now, this will do :)

.:.:. Day 3 .:.:.
-your first love-

Lets start out by saying that I almost feel guilty about having to write about this! I think that as we're growing up, we all have those relationships where we just really really feel like "this is it". Even long before we understand what "it" is supposed to feel like. I definitely had that.

The first unnamed boy that I thought I loved was in my freshman year of highschool. He was what i'd call my first "boyfriend" and even though we were never ever allowed to go on a date or do anything alone, we hung out and were just best friends. The relationship lasted about 9 months, and then I moved from Indiana to Florida. It didn't take me too long to get over it, and very quickly I realized that what we shared was very far from true love.

Moving on... Without a doubt, my first real, true, can't live without you love, is and will always be Tony. From the moment I met him, I knew he would be important. Though more than three years has passed, I still get butterflies in my stomach every time he kisses me, and I always can't wait to see him when he gets home. I regret ever having told anyone I loved them before Tony, because I am the only girl Tony has ever said those words too. However, I feel like in my life all those experiences and what I thought were loves, only led me to have a greater appreciation for the man that truly would steal my heart.

*Day 4 *
..Your Parents..
My. Parents. Rock.

-My Mom-

My mom really is awesome. She is my very best friend, and someone I truly admire. She has always always been there for me & my brothers. At every sporting event, every class party, every feild trip. I feel beyond blessed to be her daughter, and for Ella to have her as a grandmother. For years she was a SAHM for us three kids, and then later became a realtor. But right now she is in her first semester of NURSING SCHOOL! Being in my last semester of nursing school myself, i KNOW what a big deal this is, how physically and emotionally draining, and how incredibly difficult the material is and she has NO IDEA how proud of her I am. I think it's awesome that she is finally chasing a dream she's had and doing it for herself. She's doing great, and she's going to make an AMAZING nurse!

-My dad-

My dad is so great :) i'd have to say i'm a very lucky girl. He is an engineer, and has always worked hard to provide a great life for my mom and us kids. When I was little I was a total daddy's girl, and going through my teenage years I started to think he knew absolutely nothing about life, but as i've gotten older I guess i've realized 9.9 times out of 10, he has been right. I love how our relationship is changing and evolving now that i'm an adult & I absolutely love our lunch dates & the talks we have now. He is also the most amazing papaw to Ella. She has him completely wrapped around her finger. {and even though when I was pregnant he said he wanted a grandson, I KNOW he couldn't be happier having a a beautiful granddaughter!}

October 20, 2010

30 Day Challenge!

I am the worst. blogger. ever! And because I know this all to well, I have decided I am going to commit myself to a 30 day blog challenge, and thus REcommit myself to the blogging world! :) Stole this from Katie's Journey & thought it looked fun! (You should totally check it out and learn more about it & join in!) I will absolutely try my best to blog every day, but I might have to lump a couple of days together and blog every few days because with school & chasing around an almost two year old, I don't have many breaks!

Ready or not, here I go :)

Day One:
Introduce, Recent picture, 15 interesting facts

Hi! I'm Christy! (If you didn't already know) I'm a 22 years old & a full time nursing student. I graduate in December & just got my first RN job in the ER, which both extremely excites me and terrifies me at the same time. I have an almost 2 year old daughter named Ella, who without a doubt is the sweetest, coolest little person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I am engaged to a wonderful man named Tony, who is my very best friend, and an the most excellent father. Couldn't imagine my life any differently! :)

..Interesting Facts..
one: I still sleep with my blanky from when I was little.
two: I don't like hamburgers.
three: i'm the middle child, in between two boys.
four: i pray everytime I hear sirens for whomever those sirens are going to.
five: I would love love love to adopt one day.
six: I love photography blogs, and really wish I had talent, but i'm just as content admiring other people's talent!
seven: i buy the precut cookie dough pieces and devour a whole box in less than two days.
eight: i have three tatoos.
nine: i eventually would really like to go to grad school & become a midwife.
ten: speaking of school, I love it. but I am THE worst procrastinator ever.
eleven: i'm a tabloid junkie.
twelve: i'm slightly OCD. I love making lists and organizing everything.
thirteen: i'm a total hypochondriac.being a nurse only made that worse!
fourteen: I really really loved being pregnant.
fifteen: speaking of, i'm ready for another baby :) but more ready to be a wife.

March 30, 2010

toddler meltdown

Apparently Ella is more about growing up than I even thought because she is taking over the terrible two's like it's her job. And man oh man do those meltdowns test a momma's patience. Sometimes it's almost more than I can handle- the screaming, hitting, throwing herself on the floor, and I kind of have a feeling this is ONLY the begining!

Yesterday when I went to pick up Ella from daycare she was playing in the sand bin having such a good ole time. Usually she is super excited to see me and runs and gives me a great big hug, and i'm just on cloud nine since i've missed her so much throughout the day. Not yesterday though. Yesterday I could have left her there all night and she would have been just fine I think. She actually ran AWAY from me and went over to Miss. Amber (her teacher) and gave her a big hug and laid her head on her chest. It broke my heart. I'm not even kidding. Then when I told her it was time to go she threw herself on the floor as I tried to wrestle her coat on her... and then she cried all the way out of the room, down the hall, and across the parking lot to the car. Then I cried all the way home.

I hope today is better, because i'm not sure I can handle two days straight of that!

March 25, 2010

special day

I don't know why, but I have always been really good at remembering specific dates of things. All sorts of things really, and I don't think I ever forget REALLY special dates. Today is one of those days too :) On this very day two years ago, Tony & I found out that we were going to be having a baby! We are definitely at a different point in our lives than we were on March 25, 2008 and couldn't be happier to have our little miss Ella in our lives! It seems like it was just yesterday when those two pink lines appeared and we experienced a roller coaster of emotions as we learned we were about to enter parenthood. As scary as it was then, motherhood has been such a blessing :)

love love love that sweet little girl of ours.

March 18, 2010

16 months!

.. {my 16 month old girl}..
How did this happen so fast?!

Height: 31 1/2 in
Weight: 22lbs

New words: Juice, please, out, ball
She's a little CoOkIe MoNsToR!
can now open doors (uh oh!)
has 4 molars
Still in a rear facing car seat
has peed on the potty 2 times!
is on her 4th set of double ear infections
loves loves loves to be tickled
likes to wake daddy up and give kisses before school
loves reading books
is in 18-24 month pants (but they're so big around her waist!)
likes to play outside
seems to have totally adjusted to daycare, and actually likes it!
still quite attatched to panda bear fisher
{she's getting SO big SO fast}
...love her love her love her...

March 15, 2010

the potty

Ella used the potty!

I think i'm more shocked than anyone really. I have really been wanting to buy Ella a potty for a while now and sort of introduce her to it, let her play with it, and then in a few months get down to business. I have a serious goal of having Ella completely potty trained by the time she turns two. Honestly, if potty training is hereditary, I might be in trouble though because I was three and a half before I had it down!
But still, Ella is smart and I am determined! I think I can speak for Tony on the fact that we are way way way over diapers... and before we start thinking about a second addition, Ella has to be out of diapers! :)

She really does seem to like her froggy potty though, as soon as we got it home she wanted to sit on it and when I asked her if she wanted to try and go potty she shook her whole body yes.
So she wiggled on out of her outfit, and I took her diaper off and she sat so proudly on her potty. Every now and then would look down and pat the froggy eyes on the front.
I had ZERO expectations, and all of a sudden... PEE!!
I know that this can only be this exciting for a mom, but really- I don't remember the last time I was THAT excited about something!
and she did indeed seem very proud of herself!
Sunday morning same story-
as soon as she woke up I asked her if she wanted to go potty and she smiled and shook her head yes. Almost immedietly after she sat on the potty she looked down and watched and started to pee, and seemed very excited with how happy Tony & I were!

and then she got a cookie :)
and she was pleased.

I still think we're going to wait a little bit longer before we really start potty training, right now as long as she is interested I think i'll let her sit on the potty and "try" to go.
She is a big fan of being naked and having no diaper on,
and already knows that if she doesn't want to wear a diaper,
then she HAS to sit on the potty
Well wish me luck :)
I have a feeling we're going to be on a wild ride!

March 8, 2010


Whew, another fast weekend!
Friday Tony & I had another date night
(REALLY enjoying all these lately!)
We just had dinner at Scotty's.... again hahah
and decided to call it an early night
because we missed Ella alot!

Speaking of Ella, she has been such a sweetheart lately
and it seems like every time I blink she is growing up even more.
She is really really into her babies
even more than normal lately
she is always kissing, hugging, and rocking each one of them.
Last night her and Tony put all four of her babies to sleep
and she covered each one up with a blanket,
gave her a kiss,
and told them night night
then she laid down beside them and starting to pat them to sleep
Its the little things like that, that make me SO excited to make her
a BIG sister
hopefully in a couple years :)
can't wait!

Also can't wait for our trip to LAS VEGAS!
We booked our tickets yesterday
June 3rd - 6th
so so so so soooo very excited!

February 23, 2010

little stinker

Ella has been talking up a storm lately!
I love it!

Kind of cracks me up what she picks up on though....
lately everytime she comes into our room she wants to go to the tree,
and throw dirt all over the room.
needless to say this is a big NO NO!
She knows this. Yet, she doesn't care!
I guess I have been telling her it's bad.
Because now everytime she looks like she is going to stick her little hand in it
I say: Ella that's a NO NO!
She replies, with a little point to the tree:
I can't help but laugh. She's so darn cute!

Today we ate at Scotty's for dinner!
even after working there for so long, we still crave it!

Ella really likes to "act like a puppy"
she will hold things with her teeth (tonight it was a straw)
she swings her little head around and if you ask her if she is a puppy
she will just nod her little head yes
Well, she accidently dropped the straw on the ground
during the puppy process
and out of no where says:
so cute. so sweet. so shocked :)
I told her, Ella, it fell on the ground!
Ella: (as she waves to her straw) BYE BYE!

Seriously, I could just eat her up sometimes.
It never ceases to amaze me the capacity
to which a mother loves her child
it's absolutely unbelievable
I just fall deeper in love with her everyday
she is such a little sweetheart!

February 22, 2010


This weekend was great, but it flew by! (Don't they always?)

Leading up to the weekend was not so great though! Ella was sick again last week. High fever started Monday night, Tony stayed home with her all day Tuesday, I stayed home with her Wednesday morning. She started to act a little better so I took her to daycare Wednesday afternoon, and went on in to work. She acted great Thursday so we let her go to daycare again. Turns out that was a bad idea :( Ella threw up at daycare on Thursday, and acted really sick when Tony picked her up. We finally made the decision to take her to Urgent care, and we found out Ella had two fluid and pus filled ears that were about to rupture! :( No wonder she felt so awful! So her and I stayed in on Friday & slept in and took naps, which ended up being good for both of us! Daycare has just been such a tough transition and it's really hard to fight off all those germs!

Friday night, Tim & Susan offered to watch Ella so Tony & I could go out on a date, which was MUCH needed! We got a little bit of a late start so we weren't able to go Outback like we wanted, but we had Moe's which was still a wonderful alternative! Then we went and saw Shutter Island. I'm not going to lie, it didn't really look like my kind of movie but it was pretty good. But at one point I definitely started crying, and I kind of think I was the only one in the theatre crying! (trust me though, I think any mom would have!) After the movie we met up with a couple friends at Brother's for a few drinks before heading home!

Saturday Tony had to work on his taxes so Ella, Kristin, and I went to the mall and did a little shopping! I am happy to say I am only a few pounds off from what I weighed when I graduated high school :) Never thought i'd see those numbers again! So I was pretty excited to get some new jeans in a smaller size! Saturday night we just hung out at the house and watched ANOTHER movie (two movies in one weekend very rarely happens!)

Sunday was a pretty lazy day.
Tony & I work in the nursery at church every third Sunday of the month, which happened to be yesterday. We had a good time, and it has been fun to watch the babies grow from month to month! After church we went back to Tony's parents for some lunch and to hang out with the family for a bit. That evening Tony & I went to the mall to do a little more shopping. I think I got a little spoiled going to the mall TWICE in one weekend :) But i'm not complaining, I had a great time and I got the CUTEST new pair of black vera wang heels (ON SALE) I will have to post pictures, I really love them! Now if it would just hurry up and get warm out so I can wear them with something cute!

I think that's everything! Here's to another busy week ahead of me!