February 23, 2010

little stinker

Ella has been talking up a storm lately!
I love it!

Kind of cracks me up what she picks up on though....
lately everytime she comes into our room she wants to go to the tree,
and throw dirt all over the room.
needless to say this is a big NO NO!
She knows this. Yet, she doesn't care!
I guess I have been telling her it's bad.
Because now everytime she looks like she is going to stick her little hand in it
I say: Ella that's a NO NO!
She replies, with a little point to the tree:
I can't help but laugh. She's so darn cute!

Today we ate at Scotty's for dinner!
even after working there for so long, we still crave it!

Ella really likes to "act like a puppy"
she will hold things with her teeth (tonight it was a straw)
she swings her little head around and if you ask her if she is a puppy
she will just nod her little head yes
Well, she accidently dropped the straw on the ground
during the puppy process
and out of no where says:
so cute. so sweet. so shocked :)
I told her, Ella, it fell on the ground!
Ella: (as she waves to her straw) BYE BYE!

Seriously, I could just eat her up sometimes.
It never ceases to amaze me the capacity
to which a mother loves her child
it's absolutely unbelievable
I just fall deeper in love with her everyday
she is such a little sweetheart!

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