February 14, 2010

{15} months old

{15} Months old
...a few things I want to remember about my big girl...
.mama, dada, bye bye, gone, milk, go, & more
.is completely attached to her panda
.will almost never smile for a picture
.has been in daycare ("school") one month
.can blow kisses
.absolutely loves babies, real or fake
.is still in a rear facing car seat
.throws her diaper away after you change her
.doesn't like wearing socks
favorite foods:
.blueberry waffles, mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, oatmeal
.is most definitely not a morning person
.will tell us when she wants to go to bed
.will follow almost any instructions you give her
.loves Kobe
.weighs 22 pounds
.would brush her teeth all day if you let her
.is always fair- if she kisses mommy, she will kiss daddy too
.loves to tickle, and be tickled
.she's a girly girl
.has enough hair for a tiny ponytail
.is super tall & skinny- hard to find pants that fit
.will lay in bed and sing before she falls asleep at night time and nap time
.dances when music is on
.knows what sound a cow makes
.has 8 teeth
she is seriously the sweetest little girl ever,
I can't believe she is already fifteen months old!
Time sure does fly!

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