June 29, 2009

back track

Again, I'm awful at updating this so here's a quick update from our life!

Here we go! Last Tuesday Tony & I went to the lake with Mark, Zoey, Sam & Ryan. We had a blast! I love getting to do things with Tony that we hadn't gotten to do together before and this was one of them! The rest of last week was pretty busy too. Friday we cleaned out Tony's mom's car for her, we really wanted to do something nice for her since she watches Ella all the time. We ended up cleaning for over 3 hours! It looks great now though! Saturday I worked Kindergarten round up from 9-3:30, then went to Emily's wedding reception for a little while, and then ended up playing games with Megan and Dereck until 2:30 AM! :) I really wish they lived closer so we could hang out more often! Sunday we originally planned on staying home, cleaning, and relaxing for a change... but, then we got an offer to go to Indy with Tony's family and we had to take it! We had a great time, we went shopping and out to dinner at the cheesecake factory. We went to the Apple store and decided we are DEFINITLY getting iPhones! I'm so excited! I've wanted one for quite a while now! Unfortunately, I looked up online and i'm not eligible for the $99 upgrade until August 18th :( Boo! But i'll be counting down the days until then from now on! Tony is probably going to be getting his this week though.

Its going to be another busy week. Class tomorrow, work most of the day on Wednesday, and Thursday i'll be going to class 8-4:30 with NO break at all :( and then off to the airport! I'm definitly looking forward to this weekend in Florida, a little nervous about flying with Ella, but over all very excited to see old friends, go to the beach, and just RELAX! Well, more updates soon, but I have a whole living room full of laundry that needs folding and some studying to get to! :)

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