June 6, 2009

busy busy!

I really probably should post in this more often. I think one day I will enjoy looking back and reminiscing in the simplicity of my life, assuming in the next few years it will become more hectic! It's been yet another busy weekend, but fun so far! Right now Tony & I are housesitting/kidsitting for the Fisher's which is always fun! Thursday night we have a game night with Sam, Ryan, Mark, and Zoe! It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to get everyone together next weekend too! Yesterday we went for a quick swim at the neighbors house! It felt SO good, I wish we could have stayed longer. Ella absolutely loved it! The water was so warm, and she would kick her legs and splash her arms! We are definitly going to have to do more of that this summer!

Last night Tony, Lindsay, Ryan & I (and Ella!) all went to the drive in theatre in Monticello! They all hadn't been before so it was fun! We saw UP (SUCH a cute movie!) and Night at the Museum (most of it at least) Ella did pretty well, she ended up falling asleep in the back of the car where Lindsay and I were laying. We didn't get home until super late so i'm really looking forward to just relaxing today, and maybe even getting a nap! I'm at work right now, obviously not doing anything. Saturdays are always walk in days, so some are busier than others. It's not really "sick season" right now so we have been sitting around most of the day. The weekend is already half way over. I'm not ready for Tony to have to go back to work. Tomorrow we're going to see Taylor Swift & Keith Urban in concert! :) I'm so excited! Tony got me these tickets for Valentines day and i've been waiting so long! But now that I think about it, it feels like February wasn't long ago at all... I really can't believe how quickly time has been going, and how too fast Ella is growing up!

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