June 9, 2009


So Sunday Tony & I went to the Keith Urban/Taylor Swift concert! It was AMAZING! I was a little nervous about going because Tony isn't really a country music fan and I didn't want him to have a bad time! I loved watching Taylor Swift! But we REALLY had a great time when Keith Urban came on! Our tickets were SO high up, probably about 10 from the very top in a HUGE colliseum! But out of nowhere during the concert Keith stopped playing and yelled at a security guard for making people leave who were sneaking in to the floor level.. then invited whoever wanted to, to come on down to the floor! At that point Tony and I basically took off running down three flights of stairs! :) We got RIGHT in front of him about 5 feet away! I even touched him! lol I feel a little girl for being so excited about it but it was pretty cool! It was just such an awesome experience for Tony & I! Tony ended up having a great time and REALLY liked Keith Urban and didn't know he was such an amazing guitar player! It honestly was one of the greatest nights I think Tony & I have ever got to spend together! :)

I already can't wait for this weekend to get here! :) Caleb & Theresa are coming in and all of us will get to get together for game night and just hanging out! So hopefully the rest of the week moves by quicky!

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