June 21, 2009

going going going..

Sometimes I really wonder if we will ever have a weekend with NO plans! :(

I feel like the past few months especially, we have been going and going and going every single week, and weekend! This weekend was no exception. Saturday I worked all day, then went to the Fisher's to see the new puppy (who is ADORABLE!) and then headed to the taste for the evening. We got there about 6:30, and ended up staying until close to 11:30. Suprisingly Ella stayed awake the WHOLE time! Towards the end she definitly wasn't very happy and just needed some sleep! Tony and I had a good time though, we hung out with Jason & Olivia, walked around, ate lots of food and listened to some of the bands. Even though Lafayette isn't a big town, its nice that it has some fun activities to look forward to every year. We watched the fireworks show last night which I was looking forward to since we won't be in town over the 4th. Ella just watched them in awe and wasn't scared at all, UNTIL the finale! When they all boomed at once it was SUPER loud and scared her pretty bad!

Today we didn't get to sleep in at all, every third Sunday of the month Tony & I volunteer in the nursery at church. It was our week, and being Father's day we knew it would be busy! The other usual volunteers didn't show up, and there were 11 babies! Someone else ended coming in to help but it was very hectic, and really made me appreciate only having to take home one baby! I really don't know how moms of multiples do it! I used to think having twins or triplets would be fun, but after having one baby, I hope they all come one at a time! :) After church we went to Don Pablo's for Elizabeths going away lunch! It was good to see everyone, but can't believe Elizabeth is MOVING! (We're going to miss you Eday! GET A BLOG!) After lunch we basically went straight to Tony's grandparents, and stayed out there ALL day until about 8:30 this evening. And now the weekend it over!

Its going to be another very busy week I can already tell. Work & studying all day tomorrow, exam Tuesday & class all day, Work 1-8 Wednesday, class all day thursday, and probably picking up a shift Friday. Kindergarten Round up at work Saturday and Emily's wedding... geez! Maybe this is why I feel like time is going so fast! Not to mention how fast Ella is growing up! Seriously, how did my baby get to be almost 7 1/2 months old already!

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