July 24, 2009

Fair week

Today was the last day of the fair, which is always sad! Ella and I went and walked around up there today with Megan and baby Gwen :) I can't believe how many memories it brings back just being in that atmosphere. I can't help but miss it! Last night Tony & I went up to watch Thomas show in his last two classes of the season. He ran an AMAZING barrel time with a 17.9! :) It was the second fastest time in 4H history! Unfortunately he hit the last barrel with his spur and knocked it over which adds a 5 second penalty, but oh well! He still had one amazing time!

Luckily for me this week FLEW by! I now have ONE full week left of summer classes (and then a final on the following tuesday!) I can't wait, I feel like I've wasted all summer long in school and haven't gotten to enjoy myself very much, or get to take Ella to do many fun things.

Speaking of Ella, she just learned to wave HI and BYE BYE! :) soooo sweet!

July 16, 2009


Really, where has the summer gone? I am in SHOCK that it is already officially past mid July! It's definitly flown by and I really wish I would have been able to have more time with Ella. School has really taken over my life these past 8 weeks! Luckily, two more weeks and i'm FINISHED! It looks like i'll be getting an A & B for Anatomy & Microbiology, which i'm happy with!

Today was another jam packed day! Last night I worked until 8, and came home and studied until almost 2:00 this morning! I had a big test this morning and of course I put studying off until the last minute! I did well though, but have been completely exhausted all day. After my test I got a quick lunch with Danny & Sam, then headed back to school for a 3 HOUR microbiology lab! (did I mention how ready I am for school to be over!)

Ella has been pretty much refusing naps lately which is not cool at all. She MAYBE takes a 1 hours nap all day long! For a while she would sleep in every morning, take a great nap, and go to bed around 8:00. Not anymore! Now that she can crawl and move more she is ALWAYS on the move! I knew this would happen, but now it has really hit me. Things are going to get busier and busier, she is going to be quite the handful as a toddler I can already tell! :)

I'm glad it's already Thursday :) I sure wish the office was on, one Thursday closer though!

July 14, 2009

BIG girl!

As of....7.13.08
[8 months old]

Ella's life lately:
Ella can officially CRAWL!
last day as a 7 month old, her first tooth popped up!
She babbles all the time and makes lots of happy noises
She is sort of getting over her stranger anxiety
she loves to ride in the big girl seat in the shopping cart
She is the best night sleeper & loves naps
she loves to wiggle and dance when music comes on
she loves food. period.
she is such a silly girl and has such a fun personality
and of course... I love her more everyday!

In other news, I am SO ready for summer classes to be over with! I only have the rest of this week, then two more weeks. I really miss getting to spend all day with Ella. She is learning and growing SO fast and I really don't want to miss out! I'm starting to get excited about planning her 1st birthday party! (even if it is still 4 months away!)
Sunday Tony & I went to the cubs game with his family and had the best time! It was my first professional baseball game and I absolutely LOVED it! We're definitly going to have to go alot more next summer! Oh, and we got Ella her very FIRST cubs tshirt!
Fair is next week and I can't wait to go there and eat haha! :)

July 7, 2009

tiny baby?

Oh where did that teeny little baby I once had go? I seriously can't believe how big Ella is getting! Today I finally went through Ella's dresser and took out all the clothes that were too little. (which ended up being quite a lot of them!) I actually had a really hard time with it, how could she have EVER been so tiny!

We just got back from vacation yesterday and we had a GREAT time! The weather was perfect and we definitly jam packed our days with fun stuff! Ella absolutely LOVES the pool and swimming! She really is such a great baby. The plane ride went way better than I could have even hoped for! She didn't cry or fuss once either way! She was in such a happy mood the whole trip too :) She seemed very excited to spend ALL day with mommy & daddy both for 4 whole days! We spent Friday and all day Saturday at a 4 million dollar house right on Crystal River! It was BEAUTIFUL (and even had an elevator inside the house!) Sunday we took Ella to Lowry park zoo and to the beach! I definitly wasn't ready to go home on Monday!

I have a feeling all these big milestones such as crawling, walking, and talking are just going to come boom boom boom from now on! Ella rolls all over the place, can spin around in a circle on her tummy and sort of scoot, and she just started pulling herself up to stand! I really can't believe it! Next Monday she is going to be 8 months old! How did that happen!