July 24, 2009

Fair week

Today was the last day of the fair, which is always sad! Ella and I went and walked around up there today with Megan and baby Gwen :) I can't believe how many memories it brings back just being in that atmosphere. I can't help but miss it! Last night Tony & I went up to watch Thomas show in his last two classes of the season. He ran an AMAZING barrel time with a 17.9! :) It was the second fastest time in 4H history! Unfortunately he hit the last barrel with his spur and knocked it over which adds a 5 second penalty, but oh well! He still had one amazing time!

Luckily for me this week FLEW by! I now have ONE full week left of summer classes (and then a final on the following tuesday!) I can't wait, I feel like I've wasted all summer long in school and haven't gotten to enjoy myself very much, or get to take Ella to do many fun things.

Speaking of Ella, she just learned to wave HI and BYE BYE! :) soooo sweet!

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