July 7, 2009

tiny baby?

Oh where did that teeny little baby I once had go? I seriously can't believe how big Ella is getting! Today I finally went through Ella's dresser and took out all the clothes that were too little. (which ended up being quite a lot of them!) I actually had a really hard time with it, how could she have EVER been so tiny!

We just got back from vacation yesterday and we had a GREAT time! The weather was perfect and we definitly jam packed our days with fun stuff! Ella absolutely LOVES the pool and swimming! She really is such a great baby. The plane ride went way better than I could have even hoped for! She didn't cry or fuss once either way! She was in such a happy mood the whole trip too :) She seemed very excited to spend ALL day with mommy & daddy both for 4 whole days! We spent Friday and all day Saturday at a 4 million dollar house right on Crystal River! It was BEAUTIFUL (and even had an elevator inside the house!) Sunday we took Ella to Lowry park zoo and to the beach! I definitly wasn't ready to go home on Monday!

I have a feeling all these big milestones such as crawling, walking, and talking are just going to come boom boom boom from now on! Ella rolls all over the place, can spin around in a circle on her tummy and sort of scoot, and she just started pulling herself up to stand! I really can't believe it! Next Monday she is going to be 8 months old! How did that happen!

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