March 31, 2009


I've probably been posting too much lately :) But I haven't had much else to do. Today was a pretty lazy day. Played with Ella all morning, and worked all evening. Ella was pretty angry most of the day. She's been sleeping through the night every night, but waking up when Tony is getting ready for work. I'm not really enjoying the schedule of being up before 8am! I don't think Ella is either because after about 30 minutes she is tired, fussy, and in desperate need for a nap. Today was the first time Ella has ever fallen asleep while playing. It was so adorable I had to document it and take pictures. She took an hour long nap, and when she woke up, she started playing again like she had never even fallen asleep!

A couple hours after that incident Ella broke out in a sob fest. More like a scream fest really. She was inconsolable for about 30 minutes! :( Broke my heart, I knew something was wrong but I couldn't make her better. Such a helpless feeling when you can't make whatevers wrong go away. Turns out Ella seems to be trying to cut her first tooth. Her gums are pretty swollen and as soon as I put her baby oragel on she started gulping her bottle and fell right asleep. This time took a nice long 2 1/2 hour nap! Poor baby. Makes me kind of sad to think she's going to have teeth soon! She's really not just my teeny tiny baby anymore!

On other news, I'm starting to think Ella is left handed! Maybe she's not, and its too early to tell but when she's on her tummy her left arm is stronger than her right, and she holds things better in her left hand it seems, and she even reaches more with her left hand. Time will tell :) Just observing! I'm still not sure what color her pretty little eyes are going to be either. Some days they seem pretty blue, but lately they're more gray than normal. I kind of hope they turn brown like her mommy and daddy's, but either way they will be beautiful :)

Last thing! Ella had her first bath in the BIG bathtub last night! She loved it! Tony was holding her in the tub and she would just kick her legs and splash! I can't wait to take her to the pool this summer!

March 30, 2009


Enjoy! :) Shes so stinkin cute!


Lots of new pictures of miss Ella :) She sure is getting big!

Happy Family!

Carrot face!

watching the game!

my new favorite picture of my favorite people!

Ella's new trick!

Mommy, Ella, and Zoey!

Big girl!

Ella's new pretty pink bow!


So in all the free time I i've had lately ive picked up a new hobby: photo editing! I'm pretty addicted to picnik now. Its so fun to play on, but i'm sure I waste way too much time on it! :) Just thought i'd share a couple of my new projects! :)

One of these days I will actually upload some new pictures/videos of Ella! :)

March 29, 2009


Oh how I love Sundays. They are without a doubt my favorite day of every week. It's the only day where Tony and I are both off work, and get to spend the whole day together! :) Today we are at the Fisher's house. We have pretty much spent the weekend here enjoying their cable and Internet (and bathtub for Tony). They're in the Cayman islands all week, and i'm not going to lie i'm pretty jealous about that! Its SNOWING today! In MARCH! Ridiculous. I'm definitely ready for spring to be here and stay!

I haven't posted in a few days but a few exciting things have been going on. Thursday Ella and I went to my friend Kristin's house for the afternoon. She just bought a baby chihuahua named Zoey, who is literally the size of a rat. Well, Ella LOVED her. Seriously. I know it seems a bit strange for a four month old to really enjoy a puppy, but she did. Ella would hold Zoey on her lap, and touch her head, and when Zoey would chew on Ella's fingers or lick her, Ella would just LAUGH. I have a video of it, which I'll have to add in a few days. It's one of the cutest things ever.

Speaking of laughing, up until this week Ella has only sort of giggled. She would do it a lot, but since Thursday she has been really laughing SO much, and so often! It's awesome. To date, it's probably one of the cutest things she has done. She has been into mimicking people lately. The other day Susan got her to smack her lips together, and then Friday we got her to stick her tongue out really far when we would do it! :) (I also have a video of that!) Every day Ella gets more and more fun! Now if she would just start rolling over!

March 23, 2009

4 month check up!

.Four months old ALREADY!
(a little late, she was 4 months on the 13th)
.Ella this month: 4 months old!

Seems like we just brought her home from the hospital yesterday. Today was her four month checkup at the doctor, and she had to get sh0ts :( but she did great!

.The things I want to remember.

14lbs 3oz (50Th percentile)
25.5 in (95Th percentile)

*Ella LOVES car rides, and always falls asleep
*She had rice cereal for the first time & did wonderful!
*Almost always sleeps through the night
*Ella loves to be NAKED!
*She loves to snuggle with her bunny in her carseat
*Ella likes to stand on our laps
*Smiles & giggles at everything!
*She's starting to have a BIT of stranger anxiety (and I kind of like it!)
*She loves when daddy raps with her
*the once dreaded bathtime is now so FUN
*She chews on her hands constantly, and sometimes goes for the whole fist
*She needs her blankie right next to her face when sleeping
*She loves watching t.v.
*she talks in her sleep
*She almost NEVER wants her paci anymore
*She loves hugs and kisses and being snuggled

*I love her MORE and MORE every day!
(A few more pictures)

March 22, 2009

Go Boilers!

I'm so excited that Purdue is in the sweet 16 now! The game last night was awesome, we really were on the edge of our seats those last few minutes too! Yesterday we had a pretty relaxing day. I worked in the morning until 3:00, and then came back to Tony's parent's house and Tony and I went on a VERY long walk through the woods. It was such a beautiful day yesterday, and we took quite a few pictures on our walk.

Last night Tony & I actually got to go on a date. I love Ella to death, but it is really nice to be able to get out every now and then just Tony and I. We went to bdubs for a quick dinner and watched some more of the games. After dinner we went to see Watchmen. It was good, definitly a long movie but we really enjoyed it. It got out pretty late though, luckily when we came to pick up Ella, Tony was able to get her into the carseat without waking her up, and then out of it and into bed when we got home. ALL while she was still sleeping! :) (Good job Tony!) She slept straight through the night too! It was wonderful!

Today, we're back at Tim & Susan's house for more basketball :) And then a cookout for Tony's grandpa's 81st birthday! Its been a pretty great weekend, too bad it's almost over. Weekends always go way too fast.

March 21, 2009


Well my shopping trip to Edinburgh was definitely a success! I am so proud of all the great deals I found! Except for a few pairs of pants, I think Ella's winter wardrobe is complete now. The Children's Place had a bunch of racks of clothes for only $1.99 each, I couldn't believe it! My favorite purchase of the day was at the Columbia store though. I found a pink 18 month winter coat with snow overalls that was originally $125 marked down to only $14! :) Its going to be perfect for Ella this winter, and the jacket might even fit her the following year as well. I thought it was such a good deal, I went ahead and bought a 3T purple winter coat for whenever she outgrows the pink one! (Originally $90, I got it for $12) It makes me sad to think she is going to be big enough to fit into all those clothes soon though.

Yesterday I also realized how fast Ella is growing. This occurred to me when I saw baby Gwen for the first time. She is so cute and tiny, its hard to believe that Ella was ever that small. Especially only four short months ago. She isn't a little baby anymore that's for sure. I'm enjoying her in the 4 month stage though. :)

Today Tony worked really hard on our backyard. When we bought the house in October, Tony and his dad trimmed all of the trees. (We have about 10 in the back!) So today he took all of those branches to my parents, and raked close to 12 bags of leaves! He also put new grass seed on the lawn. It took him a while to get everything done, but it's looking great now! I'll post pictures once the grass starts to grow!

Lately Tony & I have been watching a lot of basketball. We are really into the NCAA tournament this year and made quite a few brackets! I was sure this year I was going to win that million dollars, unfortunately my brackets aren't near as good as I hoped they would be! Tony is doing pretty well on a couple of his though.

March 18, 2009

First blog! :)

So I finally broke down and i'm starting our first blog. I figure this way we will be able to keep our family and friends updated on our ever changing lives and growing daughter! :) Yesterday I didn't end up having to work, so Tony & I got to celebrate St. Patty's day together. We went to Scotty's for dinner. We saw a lot of old friends and everyone was excited to see Ella. She turned 4 months old on Friday. I can't believe how fast time has gone, and how quickly she is changing. She is such a happy baby & smiles and laughs all the time! Tomorrow i'm going shopping down in Edinburgh with Ella, my mom, Dorothy, Megan, and her new baby Gwen! :) I'm excited, and hopefully going to be able to get a bunch of Ella's clothes for this winter on clearance! At least that's the plan! I'll post some new pictures of Ella tomorrow!