March 22, 2009

Go Boilers!

I'm so excited that Purdue is in the sweet 16 now! The game last night was awesome, we really were on the edge of our seats those last few minutes too! Yesterday we had a pretty relaxing day. I worked in the morning until 3:00, and then came back to Tony's parent's house and Tony and I went on a VERY long walk through the woods. It was such a beautiful day yesterday, and we took quite a few pictures on our walk.

Last night Tony & I actually got to go on a date. I love Ella to death, but it is really nice to be able to get out every now and then just Tony and I. We went to bdubs for a quick dinner and watched some more of the games. After dinner we went to see Watchmen. It was good, definitly a long movie but we really enjoyed it. It got out pretty late though, luckily when we came to pick up Ella, Tony was able to get her into the carseat without waking her up, and then out of it and into bed when we got home. ALL while she was still sleeping! :) (Good job Tony!) She slept straight through the night too! It was wonderful!

Today, we're back at Tim & Susan's house for more basketball :) And then a cookout for Tony's grandpa's 81st birthday! Its been a pretty great weekend, too bad it's almost over. Weekends always go way too fast.

1 comment:

  1. yes! im so glad you guys have a blog :) i had this background yesterday! how funny!
