March 29, 2009


Oh how I love Sundays. They are without a doubt my favorite day of every week. It's the only day where Tony and I are both off work, and get to spend the whole day together! :) Today we are at the Fisher's house. We have pretty much spent the weekend here enjoying their cable and Internet (and bathtub for Tony). They're in the Cayman islands all week, and i'm not going to lie i'm pretty jealous about that! Its SNOWING today! In MARCH! Ridiculous. I'm definitely ready for spring to be here and stay!

I haven't posted in a few days but a few exciting things have been going on. Thursday Ella and I went to my friend Kristin's house for the afternoon. She just bought a baby chihuahua named Zoey, who is literally the size of a rat. Well, Ella LOVED her. Seriously. I know it seems a bit strange for a four month old to really enjoy a puppy, but she did. Ella would hold Zoey on her lap, and touch her head, and when Zoey would chew on Ella's fingers or lick her, Ella would just LAUGH. I have a video of it, which I'll have to add in a few days. It's one of the cutest things ever.

Speaking of laughing, up until this week Ella has only sort of giggled. She would do it a lot, but since Thursday she has been really laughing SO much, and so often! It's awesome. To date, it's probably one of the cutest things she has done. She has been into mimicking people lately. The other day Susan got her to smack her lips together, and then Friday we got her to stick her tongue out really far when we would do it! :) (I also have a video of that!) Every day Ella gets more and more fun! Now if she would just start rolling over!

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