March 23, 2009

4 month check up!

.Four months old ALREADY!
(a little late, she was 4 months on the 13th)
.Ella this month: 4 months old!

Seems like we just brought her home from the hospital yesterday. Today was her four month checkup at the doctor, and she had to get sh0ts :( but she did great!

.The things I want to remember.

14lbs 3oz (50Th percentile)
25.5 in (95Th percentile)

*Ella LOVES car rides, and always falls asleep
*She had rice cereal for the first time & did wonderful!
*Almost always sleeps through the night
*Ella loves to be NAKED!
*She loves to snuggle with her bunny in her carseat
*Ella likes to stand on our laps
*Smiles & giggles at everything!
*She's starting to have a BIT of stranger anxiety (and I kind of like it!)
*She loves when daddy raps with her
*the once dreaded bathtime is now so FUN
*She chews on her hands constantly, and sometimes goes for the whole fist
*She needs her blankie right next to her face when sleeping
*She loves watching t.v.
*she talks in her sleep
*She almost NEVER wants her paci anymore
*She loves hugs and kisses and being snuggled

*I love her MORE and MORE every day!
(A few more pictures)

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