March 31, 2009


I've probably been posting too much lately :) But I haven't had much else to do. Today was a pretty lazy day. Played with Ella all morning, and worked all evening. Ella was pretty angry most of the day. She's been sleeping through the night every night, but waking up when Tony is getting ready for work. I'm not really enjoying the schedule of being up before 8am! I don't think Ella is either because after about 30 minutes she is tired, fussy, and in desperate need for a nap. Today was the first time Ella has ever fallen asleep while playing. It was so adorable I had to document it and take pictures. She took an hour long nap, and when she woke up, she started playing again like she had never even fallen asleep!

A couple hours after that incident Ella broke out in a sob fest. More like a scream fest really. She was inconsolable for about 30 minutes! :( Broke my heart, I knew something was wrong but I couldn't make her better. Such a helpless feeling when you can't make whatevers wrong go away. Turns out Ella seems to be trying to cut her first tooth. Her gums are pretty swollen and as soon as I put her baby oragel on she started gulping her bottle and fell right asleep. This time took a nice long 2 1/2 hour nap! Poor baby. Makes me kind of sad to think she's going to have teeth soon! She's really not just my teeny tiny baby anymore!

On other news, I'm starting to think Ella is left handed! Maybe she's not, and its too early to tell but when she's on her tummy her left arm is stronger than her right, and she holds things better in her left hand it seems, and she even reaches more with her left hand. Time will tell :) Just observing! I'm still not sure what color her pretty little eyes are going to be either. Some days they seem pretty blue, but lately they're more gray than normal. I kind of hope they turn brown like her mommy and daddy's, but either way they will be beautiful :)

Last thing! Ella had her first bath in the BIG bathtub last night! She loved it! Tony was holding her in the tub and she would just kick her legs and splash! I can't wait to take her to the pool this summer!

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