April 25, 2009


Kristin turns 21 at midnight finally! :)

Can't wait to go out and celebrate!

April 20, 2009


Happy Monday!
Today is a good day for a few different reasons!
1. Tony & I have been engaged 1 year today! :0)
2. After 6 1/2 months, we finally got cable & internet today!
3. Kristin finally turns 21 this week!
4. After 3 weeks, i'm finally starting to feel better!
Ella has a pretty bad cough now which is no fun. We took her into the doctor today and they said she just has a pretty bad cold and there isn't much we can do for her at this point but give her tylenol for her fever. We did find out she weighs 15 lbs 7 oz now! WOAH big girl!
I can't believe it's already Monday again, but we had a great weekend. Yesterday Tony & I went shopping & I had chinese food for the FIRST time! :) And then we went and saw 17 again with my family for my mom's birthday, I really liked it! Then we went over to the Fisher's to finish watching 7 pounds (also a good movie!) I think its going to be a good week this week!

April 15, 2009


Is Spring ever going to get here? :(

I'm still sick, almost three weeks later.
I feel horrible.
101 degree fever.
I blame it on this awful weather!

I just hope Miss. Ella Doesn't get sick...

April 14, 2009

5 Months!

Ella is {5} months old!
(as of yesterday)
Another month has flown by! :)

[ not the most flattering picture of Ella, but I think it's funny :) ]
A few things I would like to remember
about my 5 month old!
Some Favorite foods: Green beans, Oatmeal & sweet potatoes!
Ella can FINALLY roll over! (both ways even!)
She said dadada :) still working on mama!
Ella likes to sing "shake your booty" with daddy
she gets very excited when she sees mommy making her bottle
She has the CUTEST laugh ever!
She likes to yell and hear herself talk
sometimes she fights her carseat and flings herself backwards!
She can be quite the diva if she doesn't get her way...
But I love her MORE everyday :)
And a couple of Easter pictures!

April 10, 2009

Dada :)

Ella said Dada today! Now, I'm not thoroughly convinced she MEANT to say it, but she did and I was pretty excited! I called Tony right away at work to tell him. Of course now that we want her to say it really bad since we know she can... she won't.

Yesterday was a very special day! :) Tony and I had been in our house 6 months! I can't believe it! Half a year already has flown by!

Today was a good day too. Kristin and I went together to celebrate her good grade on her math test by getting pedicures! It was soooo nice! I definitly wish we could do it more often! Ella slept almost the whole time too so that was an added bonus! :) Then we got chick fil a for lunch and I haven't had it in forever. So tasty!

Tonight Tony & I are going on a date. We're going to see Observe & report. I'm excited, it's our first date in a while & i'm really looking forward to spending the evening just us. (for a couple of hours at least!)

April 7, 2009

Only Tuesday :(

Is it the weekend yet? I really can't believe it's only Tuesday. I'm so exhausted, and just can't seem to kick this sinus infection! I just still feel awful! When I got to work at 3:00 today I realized I was supposed to be in at 1:00! I thought I was coming in early tomorrow :( Hopefully this weekend will hurry up and get here and we can just enjoy our first Easter with Ella.

Today I finally went and bought Ella her Easter dress (and a few other things!). It's so cute, pink and green flowers :) I also got her a little white sweater to wear over it since it's only going to be 50 degrees Sunday. :( I had lunch with Emily & Rachel at applebees today & it was SO yummy, then met up with Kristin for a little bit. Ella had a blowout while we were at the mall, and then I realized I didn't pack any extra pants for her! Poor girl had to wear just a long shirt and I covered her up with my jacket to keep her warm!

I found a dress for me too, I really like it, but after shopping today I realized how bad I want to lose the rest of this baby weight. Tony & I are going to be getting either a treadmill or an eliptical maybe in a few weeks. Then i'm going to try really hard to start motivating myself to work out everyday and eat better. I hope to lose the rest of the weight, and maybe then some at least by the end of summer. (Hopefully sooner!)

April 6, 2009

Spring cleaning!

Well it's Monday again. Hopefully this week will be a better week than last! I'm finally on an antibiotic and sort of starting to feel better! Yesterday was my dad's birthday so we went over to my parent's house and had lunch, and cake and ice cream. Tony & I were both not feeling too well so we didn't stay too long. We went to Walmart, and then went home and did some MAJOR spring cleaning! We cleaned the entire house! It looks great now, but it definitly wore us out. We went to bed about 8:00 too! It's so nice to go to bed and know we have a clean house though.

Ella has been waking up around 7:30 every morning like clockwork. It hasn't been the easiest to get used to either! I was exhausted this morning. I didn't sleep very well last night. I was coughing about every 30 seconds, and then around 3:30 Ella woke up and was SOAKED head to toe, so I had to change her, and give her a quick little bath and get her in fresh jamis. At that point she was WIDE awake and thought it was time to play! I went ahead and gave her a bottle and she was STILL awake! So we sat out on the couch making sure we didn't wake daddy up and she just talked talked talked. :) Finally she talked herself right to sleep and back to bed we went! So this morning we cuddled on the couch and watched sleepless in Seatle while we waited for daddy to come home for lunch :)

I just realized that there is one birthday a week (at least) for the next month! :) Looks like we're going to be having lots of family time this month! Tomorrow i'm going to go shopping and hopefully find something to wear for Easter, and get Ella an Easter dress. I feel kind of like a bad mom for putting it off until the last minute!

I think tonight Tony & I will watch the NCAA championship game. Hopefully Michigan State can pull off a win! :) Hope everyone has a good week!

April 3, 2009

Happy Friday!

I can't believe it's Friday already! This week has flown by! Yesterday Ella & I went to Target with Kristin and I bought her a couple adorable new outfits and a SUPER cute little baby bikini! It's a litte big now but should fit her perfectly for this summer! I also got Ella a bunch of new bows! I think she has every color now! :)
I registered to take a couple of classes this summer, and in the fall. Its going to be hard to go back to school after having this semester off! I'm hoping to be accepted into the LPN-RN transition program that will start next January. If I get in, I'll have my RN by August 2010, which would be awesome!
Well i'm glad the weekend is here now. I've been pretty sick all week, and i'm looking forward to getting to spend some time with Tony tonight! The Fisher's come back from the Caymans tomorrow, and Sunday is my dad's birthday! Looks like it's going to be a family filled weekend!