April 7, 2009

Only Tuesday :(

Is it the weekend yet? I really can't believe it's only Tuesday. I'm so exhausted, and just can't seem to kick this sinus infection! I just still feel awful! When I got to work at 3:00 today I realized I was supposed to be in at 1:00! I thought I was coming in early tomorrow :( Hopefully this weekend will hurry up and get here and we can just enjoy our first Easter with Ella.

Today I finally went and bought Ella her Easter dress (and a few other things!). It's so cute, pink and green flowers :) I also got her a little white sweater to wear over it since it's only going to be 50 degrees Sunday. :( I had lunch with Emily & Rachel at applebees today & it was SO yummy, then met up with Kristin for a little bit. Ella had a blowout while we were at the mall, and then I realized I didn't pack any extra pants for her! Poor girl had to wear just a long shirt and I covered her up with my jacket to keep her warm!

I found a dress for me too, I really like it, but after shopping today I realized how bad I want to lose the rest of this baby weight. Tony & I are going to be getting either a treadmill or an eliptical maybe in a few weeks. Then i'm going to try really hard to start motivating myself to work out everyday and eat better. I hope to lose the rest of the weight, and maybe then some at least by the end of summer. (Hopefully sooner!)

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