April 6, 2009

Spring cleaning!

Well it's Monday again. Hopefully this week will be a better week than last! I'm finally on an antibiotic and sort of starting to feel better! Yesterday was my dad's birthday so we went over to my parent's house and had lunch, and cake and ice cream. Tony & I were both not feeling too well so we didn't stay too long. We went to Walmart, and then went home and did some MAJOR spring cleaning! We cleaned the entire house! It looks great now, but it definitly wore us out. We went to bed about 8:00 too! It's so nice to go to bed and know we have a clean house though.

Ella has been waking up around 7:30 every morning like clockwork. It hasn't been the easiest to get used to either! I was exhausted this morning. I didn't sleep very well last night. I was coughing about every 30 seconds, and then around 3:30 Ella woke up and was SOAKED head to toe, so I had to change her, and give her a quick little bath and get her in fresh jamis. At that point she was WIDE awake and thought it was time to play! I went ahead and gave her a bottle and she was STILL awake! So we sat out on the couch making sure we didn't wake daddy up and she just talked talked talked. :) Finally she talked herself right to sleep and back to bed we went! So this morning we cuddled on the couch and watched sleepless in Seatle while we waited for daddy to come home for lunch :)

I just realized that there is one birthday a week (at least) for the next month! :) Looks like we're going to be having lots of family time this month! Tomorrow i'm going to go shopping and hopefully find something to wear for Easter, and get Ella an Easter dress. I feel kind of like a bad mom for putting it off until the last minute!

I think tonight Tony & I will watch the NCAA championship game. Hopefully Michigan State can pull off a win! :) Hope everyone has a good week!

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