April 14, 2009

5 Months!

Ella is {5} months old!
(as of yesterday)
Another month has flown by! :)

[ not the most flattering picture of Ella, but I think it's funny :) ]
A few things I would like to remember
about my 5 month old!
Some Favorite foods: Green beans, Oatmeal & sweet potatoes!
Ella can FINALLY roll over! (both ways even!)
She said dadada :) still working on mama!
Ella likes to sing "shake your booty" with daddy
she gets very excited when she sees mommy making her bottle
She has the CUTEST laugh ever!
She likes to yell and hear herself talk
sometimes she fights her carseat and flings herself backwards!
She can be quite the diva if she doesn't get her way...
But I love her MORE everyday :)
And a couple of Easter pictures!

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