April 20, 2009


Happy Monday!
Today is a good day for a few different reasons!
1. Tony & I have been engaged 1 year today! :0)
2. After 6 1/2 months, we finally got cable & internet today!
3. Kristin finally turns 21 this week!
4. After 3 weeks, i'm finally starting to feel better!
Ella has a pretty bad cough now which is no fun. We took her into the doctor today and they said she just has a pretty bad cold and there isn't much we can do for her at this point but give her tylenol for her fever. We did find out she weighs 15 lbs 7 oz now! WOAH big girl!
I can't believe it's already Monday again, but we had a great weekend. Yesterday Tony & I went shopping & I had chinese food for the FIRST time! :) And then we went and saw 17 again with my family for my mom's birthday, I really liked it! Then we went over to the Fisher's to finish watching 7 pounds (also a good movie!) I think its going to be a good week this week!

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