May 30, 2009


normally for dinner Tony & I aren't eating the same thing. Our freezers are stocked full of frozen dinners, and we have way too much macaroni and cheese and raman noodles in the cabinets... So i've decided that i'm making a mid year's resolution and going to try to cook at home more! I don't really know HOW to cook many things lately but i've found alot of recipes online that i'm going to take a shot at! :) I'm very excited to learn!

I'm also really REALLy trying to lose this baby weight now. It finally hit me that Ella is going on 7 months old and I can't use that "I just had a baby" excuse for much longer! I'm really committed this time to watching what I eat, stop eating out so much, less snacky foods & ice cream, and actually STARTING to work out for the first time since I had Ella! :)

It's another busy weekend for us, I can't believe its already here, and halfway over with! Tomorrow is Tony's brother Matt's graduation party! I'm very excited for it because Moe's and dippin dots is catering! (I'm going to try to be as GOOD as I can be there and not eat too much!)

Next week is going to be another very long and busy week with class and school! 9 weeks and counting left of summer classes! :)

May 21, 2009


The [work] week is finally over! Except for Saturday that is! It was definitly a long week, but at least we have some extra money coming in. I miss Ella so much while i'm working it's crazy. At the end of the day I just feel sick to my stomach and could cry, like i'm seriously going through withdrawls! Just makes the time off with her that much sweeter though :)

We got Ella's 6 (and 1/2) month pictures taken today & they turned out SO good! I can't wait until Kierstie is finished editing them so I can start showing them off! Ella hadn't napped much during the day, and was a little hungry so we definitly got a lot of VERY serious shots lol but we still managed to get some smiley pictures! They're so cute, and we even got a couple good ones with Kobe in them! :)

Tony & I were supposed to go get my tire fixed tonight (I got a flat on Tuesday & Tony and AAA had to come out and put my spare on) but when we finally got motivated to go they were already closed! Bummer! So hopefully we will be able to get that taken care of tomorrow! :) Speaking of tomorrow, I have my fingers crossed that I can find some good garage sales in the morning! I have a feeling its going to become quite an addiction!

May 18, 2009

here we go.

Although i'm not normally excited about Mondays, today is a little worse than normal. Really just this week in general. Usually I spend almost all day with Ella during the week, and then work a few evenings. But THIS week, for some strange reason I volunteered to work full time. :( I'm not excited about it now because I'm going to miss Ella a lot but the extra money will be nice to have. On a brighter and less complaining side of things i'm really excited that this coming weekend is a three day weekend for Tony & I! A very busy weekend though!

It's hard to believe that another weekend is over, and we're already halfway through May. This year has definitly flown by, and I can't believe how fast time is going lately! It was a great weekend though! Friday night Tony & I went to see Star Trek, which I was TOTALLY against seeing, but it was actually really good! Saturday I went to work, and the Tony, Lindsay, & I went to Indy & got a new german shepard puppy! :) He is adorable & so smart already! We named him Kobe! I'll add pictures soon! Ella loves him, and already he is so good with her and so tolerable! I'm really nervous with him not being potty trained though! He is doing really well so far, only had 2 accidents but we've been taking him out every 30 minutes! :) I'll keep updates on the puppy training though!

May 14, 2009

oh thursday.

Today was a good day, but i'm ready for the weekend! Last night Ella went to bed at 7:20! I was sad to see she was already asleep when I got home from work, but it was nice to just get to relax! Tony & I watched Ghost last night :) I love that movie! Since Ella went to bed so early, she got up SUPER early too! That definitly wasn't as exciting as her going to sleep early!

Today I spent the morning cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry. For lunch Ella had chicken and peaches for the first time! I love giving her new foods and seeing the funny faces she makes! She was not a fan of the chicken at all, and I can't blame her because it smelled like cat food! At first she didn't like the peaches either, but after about 1/4 of the jar she was gobbling them up. After Tony went back to work Ella & I went to Kristin's apartment and played with Zoey (which Ella still loves) then Kristin and I had Chili's for lunch. We tried to get a snow cone for desert but they were closed. bummer.

When we finally got back to our house Kristin dyed & cut my hair! :) I was ready for a change, and I really like it. It isn't a huge color change, but it's definitly darker! So, a very good day in all, and tomorrow Kristin and I are going to a movie to repay her for doing my hair so that will be fun, and then it will FINALLY be the weekend and I actually don't think we have any plans this weekend so we can relax! (i'm sure we actually DO have something we're doing and I just don't remember right now!) oh well, busy life, but a great one!

May 13, 2009


♥ Ella is [6] months old today! ♥
a half a year old already?
Some things I want to remember:
Bedtime- 8:30-9:00
Wakes up- 7:30-8:30
Ella loves to try new foods & wants whatever mommy & daddy are eating
She's starting to get over hating tummy time
She's starting to take a sippy :) still not sure what to think about it yet!
She LOVES to pull hair
She rubs her eyes nonstop when she's tired (it's so cute!)
She likes to feel everrryyythingg.
She still loves bathtime & being nakey
She likes looking at the "pretty girl" in the mirror
Seperation anxiety has been in full force lately!
she HATES her face & nose being wiped!
she loves kisses and snuggling
she thinks puppies are the funniest thing ever
she is getting REALLY good at putting herself to sleep with NO crying!
She becomes sweeter & sweeter every day
And MORE and MORE loved ♥

May 4, 2009

Thanks Theresa!

Thanks Theresa :) I like these too!

8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. Getting married.
2. Going to Florida this summer!
3. Watching Ella grow, and crawl, walk, and talk!
4. Having another baby (but not for a while!)
5. Getting a puppy!
6. Starting pre-marital counseling.
7. This weekend.
8. Losing the rest of this baby weight!

8 things I did yesterday:
1. Went to Bennetts.
2. Ate lunch at KFC.
3. Survived a huge Ella meltdown.
4. Went grocery shopping.
5. Got a new patio set! :)
6. Watched Harper's Island with Tony.
7. Washed all of Ella's bottles.
8. Took a nice long hot shower! (this is a luxury!)

8 things I wish I could do:
1. Finish my RN now.
2. Run.
3. Cook more often.
4. Resist sweets.
5. Sing.
6. Exercise more.
7. Eat healthier.
8. Make it to church every Sunday.

8 shows I enjoy:
1. The Office
2. One Tree Hill
3. Grey's anatomy
4. Regis and Kelly
5. Prison break
6. Weeds
7. Ellen
8. American Idol

I deleted the last part, because I don't know who reads this! :)
I haven't updated in a while! We've been pretty busy around here! It seems like every weekend Tony & I have a new project going on so we can't just relax. This past weekend Tony finished up landscaping the back yard (which looks awesome) and then on Sunday we ran a bunch of errands and got a new patio set! I can't wait until it's actually warm enough to sit out there!

It's going to be a pretty busy week this week. I work Monday-Wednesday, Thursday is Tony's birthday and he is taking Friday off. (I have some things planned for this weekend for his birthday which i'm pretty excited about!)

Only three more weeks until I start summer school. It's been so nice to have this semester off i'm not even close to being ready to go back. Luckily only a couple more semesters until I have my RN :)

Going back to school really does have it's downfalls though. I already work 3 evenings a week, and once I start school I will be going all day on Thursdays as well. I feel like I am missing out on so much family time being gone in the evenings. I'd love to be able to make dinner for Tony every night but it just isn't possible when I don't get off work until 8:00 at night. :( I know there is a lot of give and take and thats just one of the sacrafices we have to make right now. Lucky for me I love my job, I just miss Tony & Ella when i'm there.