May 14, 2009

oh thursday.

Today was a good day, but i'm ready for the weekend! Last night Ella went to bed at 7:20! I was sad to see she was already asleep when I got home from work, but it was nice to just get to relax! Tony & I watched Ghost last night :) I love that movie! Since Ella went to bed so early, she got up SUPER early too! That definitly wasn't as exciting as her going to sleep early!

Today I spent the morning cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry. For lunch Ella had chicken and peaches for the first time! I love giving her new foods and seeing the funny faces she makes! She was not a fan of the chicken at all, and I can't blame her because it smelled like cat food! At first she didn't like the peaches either, but after about 1/4 of the jar she was gobbling them up. After Tony went back to work Ella & I went to Kristin's apartment and played with Zoey (which Ella still loves) then Kristin and I had Chili's for lunch. We tried to get a snow cone for desert but they were closed. bummer.

When we finally got back to our house Kristin dyed & cut my hair! :) I was ready for a change, and I really like it. It isn't a huge color change, but it's definitly darker! So, a very good day in all, and tomorrow Kristin and I are going to a movie to repay her for doing my hair so that will be fun, and then it will FINALLY be the weekend and I actually don't think we have any plans this weekend so we can relax! (i'm sure we actually DO have something we're doing and I just don't remember right now!) oh well, busy life, but a great one!

1 comment:

  1. ooo I want to see your hair!! :) I just got mine cut and highlighted tonight!!
