May 4, 2009

I haven't updated in a while! We've been pretty busy around here! It seems like every weekend Tony & I have a new project going on so we can't just relax. This past weekend Tony finished up landscaping the back yard (which looks awesome) and then on Sunday we ran a bunch of errands and got a new patio set! I can't wait until it's actually warm enough to sit out there!

It's going to be a pretty busy week this week. I work Monday-Wednesday, Thursday is Tony's birthday and he is taking Friday off. (I have some things planned for this weekend for his birthday which i'm pretty excited about!)

Only three more weeks until I start summer school. It's been so nice to have this semester off i'm not even close to being ready to go back. Luckily only a couple more semesters until I have my RN :)

Going back to school really does have it's downfalls though. I already work 3 evenings a week, and once I start school I will be going all day on Thursdays as well. I feel like I am missing out on so much family time being gone in the evenings. I'd love to be able to make dinner for Tony every night but it just isn't possible when I don't get off work until 8:00 at night. :( I know there is a lot of give and take and thats just one of the sacrafices we have to make right now. Lucky for me I love my job, I just miss Tony & Ella when i'm there.

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