May 13, 2009


♥ Ella is [6] months old today! ♥
a half a year old already?
Some things I want to remember:
Bedtime- 8:30-9:00
Wakes up- 7:30-8:30
Ella loves to try new foods & wants whatever mommy & daddy are eating
She's starting to get over hating tummy time
She's starting to take a sippy :) still not sure what to think about it yet!
She LOVES to pull hair
She rubs her eyes nonstop when she's tired (it's so cute!)
She likes to feel everrryyythingg.
She still loves bathtime & being nakey
She likes looking at the "pretty girl" in the mirror
Seperation anxiety has been in full force lately!
she HATES her face & nose being wiped!
she loves kisses and snuggling
she thinks puppies are the funniest thing ever
she is getting REALLY good at putting herself to sleep with NO crying!
She becomes sweeter & sweeter every day
And MORE and MORE loved ♥

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