May 21, 2009


The [work] week is finally over! Except for Saturday that is! It was definitly a long week, but at least we have some extra money coming in. I miss Ella so much while i'm working it's crazy. At the end of the day I just feel sick to my stomach and could cry, like i'm seriously going through withdrawls! Just makes the time off with her that much sweeter though :)

We got Ella's 6 (and 1/2) month pictures taken today & they turned out SO good! I can't wait until Kierstie is finished editing them so I can start showing them off! Ella hadn't napped much during the day, and was a little hungry so we definitly got a lot of VERY serious shots lol but we still managed to get some smiley pictures! They're so cute, and we even got a couple good ones with Kobe in them! :)

Tony & I were supposed to go get my tire fixed tonight (I got a flat on Tuesday & Tony and AAA had to come out and put my spare on) but when we finally got motivated to go they were already closed! Bummer! So hopefully we will be able to get that taken care of tomorrow! :) Speaking of tomorrow, I have my fingers crossed that I can find some good garage sales in the morning! I have a feeling its going to become quite an addiction!

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