September 3, 2009

snuggly :)

I'm starting a new project! :) Today I went with my mom to the fabric store and bought most comfy cozy material to make Ella a super cute blanket! I've decided I really want to be more crafty, and be able to make some sweet, personal gifts for things such as baby showers so i'm starting here! :) I started today, and hopefully will be able to finish it by tomorrow if I work all morning on it. I'll post pictures once it gets all finished! :)

I'm really the worst blogger ever. I never am able to get on here. (I blame it on the fact that we don't have a working computer at home) I only use the internet on my iphone... lucky for me we're getting our money's worth!

I'm so excited for tomorrow! At 3:30 Tony, Ella, and I will be leaving for Michigan! I'm so excited to spend the weekend with Caleb, Theresa and Owen! We really miss having them live in town! However, i'm SUPER nervous about Ella and the long car ride! Hopefully it goes well! :)

August 16, 2009


This week my baby turned 9 months old! :(
How did that happen so fast!?

August 9, 2009

Wonderful weekend!

Ah, Sunday evening. It's been a GREAT weekend after a busy week! Tuesday I took my last summer final (finally) and got an A in the class! I'm hoping that I will be able to start the RN program in January, and have my RN by next July! The rest of the week I worked like crazy, and Friday Tony had a wonderful suprise for me! He took the day off work, went to the grocery store and got me flowers and bacon and eggs for breakfast! We decided to do to the State Fair for the day! All three of us had a great time and spent most of the day there just hanging out, walking around, and watching my brother show. Afterwards we went to Circle Center mall and I got a couple cute shirts, then walked around downtown and went to the new Scotty's! We ended up seeing an old friend who we used to work with at the Scotty's here in town and he gave us a grand tour, and even bought us dinner! It was really good to run into him, and of course dinner was amazing, and the new restuarant is AMAZING! It definitly blows our Scotty's out of the water with Decor. They have Flat Screen TV's in EVERY booth!

Saturday I worked until 3, then we went over to Tony's parents to hang out and have pizza. This morning we were pretty productive in cleaning the house and moving things around. We finally got around to lowering Ella's crib to the lowest setting so she cant get out. She still is sleeping in our room and i'm REALLY going to try to move her into her bed soon! Now we just have to get some black out shades so its not so bright in there! After we got all of that over with we headed to the Fisher's again for lunch and played games all afternoon.

Around 5:00 I went to the hospital to visit Ashtyn and Kasen! :) He is so sweet! It makes me miss having Ella be so little and snuggly! (and made me excited for baby #2 whenever that may happen!) Then we had filet mingon at Tony's Parents. All in all, it was a wonderful weekend and i'm sad tomorrow is Monday.... and working 8-8 to start the week. Yuck! Still very happy to be on a break from work though!

July 24, 2009

Fair week

Today was the last day of the fair, which is always sad! Ella and I went and walked around up there today with Megan and baby Gwen :) I can't believe how many memories it brings back just being in that atmosphere. I can't help but miss it! Last night Tony & I went up to watch Thomas show in his last two classes of the season. He ran an AMAZING barrel time with a 17.9! :) It was the second fastest time in 4H history! Unfortunately he hit the last barrel with his spur and knocked it over which adds a 5 second penalty, but oh well! He still had one amazing time!

Luckily for me this week FLEW by! I now have ONE full week left of summer classes (and then a final on the following tuesday!) I can't wait, I feel like I've wasted all summer long in school and haven't gotten to enjoy myself very much, or get to take Ella to do many fun things.

Speaking of Ella, she just learned to wave HI and BYE BYE! :) soooo sweet!

July 16, 2009


Really, where has the summer gone? I am in SHOCK that it is already officially past mid July! It's definitly flown by and I really wish I would have been able to have more time with Ella. School has really taken over my life these past 8 weeks! Luckily, two more weeks and i'm FINISHED! It looks like i'll be getting an A & B for Anatomy & Microbiology, which i'm happy with!

Today was another jam packed day! Last night I worked until 8, and came home and studied until almost 2:00 this morning! I had a big test this morning and of course I put studying off until the last minute! I did well though, but have been completely exhausted all day. After my test I got a quick lunch with Danny & Sam, then headed back to school for a 3 HOUR microbiology lab! (did I mention how ready I am for school to be over!)

Ella has been pretty much refusing naps lately which is not cool at all. She MAYBE takes a 1 hours nap all day long! For a while she would sleep in every morning, take a great nap, and go to bed around 8:00. Not anymore! Now that she can crawl and move more she is ALWAYS on the move! I knew this would happen, but now it has really hit me. Things are going to get busier and busier, she is going to be quite the handful as a toddler I can already tell! :)

I'm glad it's already Thursday :) I sure wish the office was on, one Thursday closer though!

July 14, 2009

BIG girl!

As of....7.13.08
[8 months old]

Ella's life lately:
Ella can officially CRAWL!
last day as a 7 month old, her first tooth popped up!
She babbles all the time and makes lots of happy noises
She is sort of getting over her stranger anxiety
she loves to ride in the big girl seat in the shopping cart
She is the best night sleeper & loves naps
she loves to wiggle and dance when music comes on
she loves food. period.
she is such a silly girl and has such a fun personality
and of course... I love her more everyday!

In other news, I am SO ready for summer classes to be over with! I only have the rest of this week, then two more weeks. I really miss getting to spend all day with Ella. She is learning and growing SO fast and I really don't want to miss out! I'm starting to get excited about planning her 1st birthday party! (even if it is still 4 months away!)
Sunday Tony & I went to the cubs game with his family and had the best time! It was my first professional baseball game and I absolutely LOVED it! We're definitly going to have to go alot more next summer! Oh, and we got Ella her very FIRST cubs tshirt!
Fair is next week and I can't wait to go there and eat haha! :)

July 7, 2009

tiny baby?

Oh where did that teeny little baby I once had go? I seriously can't believe how big Ella is getting! Today I finally went through Ella's dresser and took out all the clothes that were too little. (which ended up being quite a lot of them!) I actually had a really hard time with it, how could she have EVER been so tiny!

We just got back from vacation yesterday and we had a GREAT time! The weather was perfect and we definitly jam packed our days with fun stuff! Ella absolutely LOVES the pool and swimming! She really is such a great baby. The plane ride went way better than I could have even hoped for! She didn't cry or fuss once either way! She was in such a happy mood the whole trip too :) She seemed very excited to spend ALL day with mommy & daddy both for 4 whole days! We spent Friday and all day Saturday at a 4 million dollar house right on Crystal River! It was BEAUTIFUL (and even had an elevator inside the house!) Sunday we took Ella to Lowry park zoo and to the beach! I definitly wasn't ready to go home on Monday!

I have a feeling all these big milestones such as crawling, walking, and talking are just going to come boom boom boom from now on! Ella rolls all over the place, can spin around in a circle on her tummy and sort of scoot, and she just started pulling herself up to stand! I really can't believe it! Next Monday she is going to be 8 months old! How did that happen!

June 30, 2009


I got my iPhone today! :) I am seriously SO excited! (even though Tony has been playing with it all night and I haven't gotten to) We went today to add Tony onto my family plan, but then switched everything over into his name so we could get his Purdue discount... well apparently that means my line is treated as a NEW account= $99 iPhone!

Had to share. It's awesome. :)

June 29, 2009

back track

Again, I'm awful at updating this so here's a quick update from our life!

Here we go! Last Tuesday Tony & I went to the lake with Mark, Zoey, Sam & Ryan. We had a blast! I love getting to do things with Tony that we hadn't gotten to do together before and this was one of them! The rest of last week was pretty busy too. Friday we cleaned out Tony's mom's car for her, we really wanted to do something nice for her since she watches Ella all the time. We ended up cleaning for over 3 hours! It looks great now though! Saturday I worked Kindergarten round up from 9-3:30, then went to Emily's wedding reception for a little while, and then ended up playing games with Megan and Dereck until 2:30 AM! :) I really wish they lived closer so we could hang out more often! Sunday we originally planned on staying home, cleaning, and relaxing for a change... but, then we got an offer to go to Indy with Tony's family and we had to take it! We had a great time, we went shopping and out to dinner at the cheesecake factory. We went to the Apple store and decided we are DEFINITLY getting iPhones! I'm so excited! I've wanted one for quite a while now! Unfortunately, I looked up online and i'm not eligible for the $99 upgrade until August 18th :( Boo! But i'll be counting down the days until then from now on! Tony is probably going to be getting his this week though.

Its going to be another busy week. Class tomorrow, work most of the day on Wednesday, and Thursday i'll be going to class 8-4:30 with NO break at all :( and then off to the airport! I'm definitly looking forward to this weekend in Florida, a little nervous about flying with Ella, but over all very excited to see old friends, go to the beach, and just RELAX! Well, more updates soon, but I have a whole living room full of laundry that needs folding and some studying to get to! :)

June 21, 2009

going going going..

Sometimes I really wonder if we will ever have a weekend with NO plans! :(

I feel like the past few months especially, we have been going and going and going every single week, and weekend! This weekend was no exception. Saturday I worked all day, then went to the Fisher's to see the new puppy (who is ADORABLE!) and then headed to the taste for the evening. We got there about 6:30, and ended up staying until close to 11:30. Suprisingly Ella stayed awake the WHOLE time! Towards the end she definitly wasn't very happy and just needed some sleep! Tony and I had a good time though, we hung out with Jason & Olivia, walked around, ate lots of food and listened to some of the bands. Even though Lafayette isn't a big town, its nice that it has some fun activities to look forward to every year. We watched the fireworks show last night which I was looking forward to since we won't be in town over the 4th. Ella just watched them in awe and wasn't scared at all, UNTIL the finale! When they all boomed at once it was SUPER loud and scared her pretty bad!

Today we didn't get to sleep in at all, every third Sunday of the month Tony & I volunteer in the nursery at church. It was our week, and being Father's day we knew it would be busy! The other usual volunteers didn't show up, and there were 11 babies! Someone else ended coming in to help but it was very hectic, and really made me appreciate only having to take home one baby! I really don't know how moms of multiples do it! I used to think having twins or triplets would be fun, but after having one baby, I hope they all come one at a time! :) After church we went to Don Pablo's for Elizabeths going away lunch! It was good to see everyone, but can't believe Elizabeth is MOVING! (We're going to miss you Eday! GET A BLOG!) After lunch we basically went straight to Tony's grandparents, and stayed out there ALL day until about 8:30 this evening. And now the weekend it over!

Its going to be another very busy week I can already tell. Work & studying all day tomorrow, exam Tuesday & class all day, Work 1-8 Wednesday, class all day thursday, and probably picking up a shift Friday. Kindergarten Round up at work Saturday and Emily's wedding... geez! Maybe this is why I feel like time is going so fast! Not to mention how fast Ella is growing up! Seriously, how did my baby get to be almost 7 1/2 months old already!

June 9, 2009


So Sunday Tony & I went to the Keith Urban/Taylor Swift concert! It was AMAZING! I was a little nervous about going because Tony isn't really a country music fan and I didn't want him to have a bad time! I loved watching Taylor Swift! But we REALLY had a great time when Keith Urban came on! Our tickets were SO high up, probably about 10 from the very top in a HUGE colliseum! But out of nowhere during the concert Keith stopped playing and yelled at a security guard for making people leave who were sneaking in to the floor level.. then invited whoever wanted to, to come on down to the floor! At that point Tony and I basically took off running down three flights of stairs! :) We got RIGHT in front of him about 5 feet away! I even touched him! lol I feel a little girl for being so excited about it but it was pretty cool! It was just such an awesome experience for Tony & I! Tony ended up having a great time and REALLY liked Keith Urban and didn't know he was such an amazing guitar player! It honestly was one of the greatest nights I think Tony & I have ever got to spend together! :)

I already can't wait for this weekend to get here! :) Caleb & Theresa are coming in and all of us will get to get together for game night and just hanging out! So hopefully the rest of the week moves by quicky!

June 6, 2009

busy busy!

I really probably should post in this more often. I think one day I will enjoy looking back and reminiscing in the simplicity of my life, assuming in the next few years it will become more hectic! It's been yet another busy weekend, but fun so far! Right now Tony & I are housesitting/kidsitting for the Fisher's which is always fun! Thursday night we have a game night with Sam, Ryan, Mark, and Zoe! It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to get everyone together next weekend too! Yesterday we went for a quick swim at the neighbors house! It felt SO good, I wish we could have stayed longer. Ella absolutely loved it! The water was so warm, and she would kick her legs and splash her arms! We are definitly going to have to do more of that this summer!

Last night Tony, Lindsay, Ryan & I (and Ella!) all went to the drive in theatre in Monticello! They all hadn't been before so it was fun! We saw UP (SUCH a cute movie!) and Night at the Museum (most of it at least) Ella did pretty well, she ended up falling asleep in the back of the car where Lindsay and I were laying. We didn't get home until super late so i'm really looking forward to just relaxing today, and maybe even getting a nap! I'm at work right now, obviously not doing anything. Saturdays are always walk in days, so some are busier than others. It's not really "sick season" right now so we have been sitting around most of the day. The weekend is already half way over. I'm not ready for Tony to have to go back to work. Tomorrow we're going to see Taylor Swift & Keith Urban in concert! :) I'm so excited! Tony got me these tickets for Valentines day and i've been waiting so long! But now that I think about it, it feels like February wasn't long ago at all... I really can't believe how quickly time has been going, and how too fast Ella is growing up!

May 30, 2009


normally for dinner Tony & I aren't eating the same thing. Our freezers are stocked full of frozen dinners, and we have way too much macaroni and cheese and raman noodles in the cabinets... So i've decided that i'm making a mid year's resolution and going to try to cook at home more! I don't really know HOW to cook many things lately but i've found alot of recipes online that i'm going to take a shot at! :) I'm very excited to learn!

I'm also really REALLy trying to lose this baby weight now. It finally hit me that Ella is going on 7 months old and I can't use that "I just had a baby" excuse for much longer! I'm really committed this time to watching what I eat, stop eating out so much, less snacky foods & ice cream, and actually STARTING to work out for the first time since I had Ella! :)

It's another busy weekend for us, I can't believe its already here, and halfway over with! Tomorrow is Tony's brother Matt's graduation party! I'm very excited for it because Moe's and dippin dots is catering! (I'm going to try to be as GOOD as I can be there and not eat too much!)

Next week is going to be another very long and busy week with class and school! 9 weeks and counting left of summer classes! :)

May 21, 2009


The [work] week is finally over! Except for Saturday that is! It was definitly a long week, but at least we have some extra money coming in. I miss Ella so much while i'm working it's crazy. At the end of the day I just feel sick to my stomach and could cry, like i'm seriously going through withdrawls! Just makes the time off with her that much sweeter though :)

We got Ella's 6 (and 1/2) month pictures taken today & they turned out SO good! I can't wait until Kierstie is finished editing them so I can start showing them off! Ella hadn't napped much during the day, and was a little hungry so we definitly got a lot of VERY serious shots lol but we still managed to get some smiley pictures! They're so cute, and we even got a couple good ones with Kobe in them! :)

Tony & I were supposed to go get my tire fixed tonight (I got a flat on Tuesday & Tony and AAA had to come out and put my spare on) but when we finally got motivated to go they were already closed! Bummer! So hopefully we will be able to get that taken care of tomorrow! :) Speaking of tomorrow, I have my fingers crossed that I can find some good garage sales in the morning! I have a feeling its going to become quite an addiction!

May 18, 2009

here we go.

Although i'm not normally excited about Mondays, today is a little worse than normal. Really just this week in general. Usually I spend almost all day with Ella during the week, and then work a few evenings. But THIS week, for some strange reason I volunteered to work full time. :( I'm not excited about it now because I'm going to miss Ella a lot but the extra money will be nice to have. On a brighter and less complaining side of things i'm really excited that this coming weekend is a three day weekend for Tony & I! A very busy weekend though!

It's hard to believe that another weekend is over, and we're already halfway through May. This year has definitly flown by, and I can't believe how fast time is going lately! It was a great weekend though! Friday night Tony & I went to see Star Trek, which I was TOTALLY against seeing, but it was actually really good! Saturday I went to work, and the Tony, Lindsay, & I went to Indy & got a new german shepard puppy! :) He is adorable & so smart already! We named him Kobe! I'll add pictures soon! Ella loves him, and already he is so good with her and so tolerable! I'm really nervous with him not being potty trained though! He is doing really well so far, only had 2 accidents but we've been taking him out every 30 minutes! :) I'll keep updates on the puppy training though!

May 14, 2009

oh thursday.

Today was a good day, but i'm ready for the weekend! Last night Ella went to bed at 7:20! I was sad to see she was already asleep when I got home from work, but it was nice to just get to relax! Tony & I watched Ghost last night :) I love that movie! Since Ella went to bed so early, she got up SUPER early too! That definitly wasn't as exciting as her going to sleep early!

Today I spent the morning cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry. For lunch Ella had chicken and peaches for the first time! I love giving her new foods and seeing the funny faces she makes! She was not a fan of the chicken at all, and I can't blame her because it smelled like cat food! At first she didn't like the peaches either, but after about 1/4 of the jar she was gobbling them up. After Tony went back to work Ella & I went to Kristin's apartment and played with Zoey (which Ella still loves) then Kristin and I had Chili's for lunch. We tried to get a snow cone for desert but they were closed. bummer.

When we finally got back to our house Kristin dyed & cut my hair! :) I was ready for a change, and I really like it. It isn't a huge color change, but it's definitly darker! So, a very good day in all, and tomorrow Kristin and I are going to a movie to repay her for doing my hair so that will be fun, and then it will FINALLY be the weekend and I actually don't think we have any plans this weekend so we can relax! (i'm sure we actually DO have something we're doing and I just don't remember right now!) oh well, busy life, but a great one!

May 13, 2009


♥ Ella is [6] months old today! ♥
a half a year old already?
Some things I want to remember:
Bedtime- 8:30-9:00
Wakes up- 7:30-8:30
Ella loves to try new foods & wants whatever mommy & daddy are eating
She's starting to get over hating tummy time
She's starting to take a sippy :) still not sure what to think about it yet!
She LOVES to pull hair
She rubs her eyes nonstop when she's tired (it's so cute!)
She likes to feel everrryyythingg.
She still loves bathtime & being nakey
She likes looking at the "pretty girl" in the mirror
Seperation anxiety has been in full force lately!
she HATES her face & nose being wiped!
she loves kisses and snuggling
she thinks puppies are the funniest thing ever
she is getting REALLY good at putting herself to sleep with NO crying!
She becomes sweeter & sweeter every day
And MORE and MORE loved ♥

May 4, 2009

Thanks Theresa!

Thanks Theresa :) I like these too!

8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. Getting married.
2. Going to Florida this summer!
3. Watching Ella grow, and crawl, walk, and talk!
4. Having another baby (but not for a while!)
5. Getting a puppy!
6. Starting pre-marital counseling.
7. This weekend.
8. Losing the rest of this baby weight!

8 things I did yesterday:
1. Went to Bennetts.
2. Ate lunch at KFC.
3. Survived a huge Ella meltdown.
4. Went grocery shopping.
5. Got a new patio set! :)
6. Watched Harper's Island with Tony.
7. Washed all of Ella's bottles.
8. Took a nice long hot shower! (this is a luxury!)

8 things I wish I could do:
1. Finish my RN now.
2. Run.
3. Cook more often.
4. Resist sweets.
5. Sing.
6. Exercise more.
7. Eat healthier.
8. Make it to church every Sunday.

8 shows I enjoy:
1. The Office
2. One Tree Hill
3. Grey's anatomy
4. Regis and Kelly
5. Prison break
6. Weeds
7. Ellen
8. American Idol

I deleted the last part, because I don't know who reads this! :)
I haven't updated in a while! We've been pretty busy around here! It seems like every weekend Tony & I have a new project going on so we can't just relax. This past weekend Tony finished up landscaping the back yard (which looks awesome) and then on Sunday we ran a bunch of errands and got a new patio set! I can't wait until it's actually warm enough to sit out there!

It's going to be a pretty busy week this week. I work Monday-Wednesday, Thursday is Tony's birthday and he is taking Friday off. (I have some things planned for this weekend for his birthday which i'm pretty excited about!)

Only three more weeks until I start summer school. It's been so nice to have this semester off i'm not even close to being ready to go back. Luckily only a couple more semesters until I have my RN :)

Going back to school really does have it's downfalls though. I already work 3 evenings a week, and once I start school I will be going all day on Thursdays as well. I feel like I am missing out on so much family time being gone in the evenings. I'd love to be able to make dinner for Tony every night but it just isn't possible when I don't get off work until 8:00 at night. :( I know there is a lot of give and take and thats just one of the sacrafices we have to make right now. Lucky for me I love my job, I just miss Tony & Ella when i'm there.

April 25, 2009


Kristin turns 21 at midnight finally! :)

Can't wait to go out and celebrate!

April 20, 2009


Happy Monday!
Today is a good day for a few different reasons!
1. Tony & I have been engaged 1 year today! :0)
2. After 6 1/2 months, we finally got cable & internet today!
3. Kristin finally turns 21 this week!
4. After 3 weeks, i'm finally starting to feel better!
Ella has a pretty bad cough now which is no fun. We took her into the doctor today and they said she just has a pretty bad cold and there isn't much we can do for her at this point but give her tylenol for her fever. We did find out she weighs 15 lbs 7 oz now! WOAH big girl!
I can't believe it's already Monday again, but we had a great weekend. Yesterday Tony & I went shopping & I had chinese food for the FIRST time! :) And then we went and saw 17 again with my family for my mom's birthday, I really liked it! Then we went over to the Fisher's to finish watching 7 pounds (also a good movie!) I think its going to be a good week this week!

April 15, 2009


Is Spring ever going to get here? :(

I'm still sick, almost three weeks later.
I feel horrible.
101 degree fever.
I blame it on this awful weather!

I just hope Miss. Ella Doesn't get sick...

April 14, 2009

5 Months!

Ella is {5} months old!
(as of yesterday)
Another month has flown by! :)

[ not the most flattering picture of Ella, but I think it's funny :) ]
A few things I would like to remember
about my 5 month old!
Some Favorite foods: Green beans, Oatmeal & sweet potatoes!
Ella can FINALLY roll over! (both ways even!)
She said dadada :) still working on mama!
Ella likes to sing "shake your booty" with daddy
she gets very excited when she sees mommy making her bottle
She has the CUTEST laugh ever!
She likes to yell and hear herself talk
sometimes she fights her carseat and flings herself backwards!
She can be quite the diva if she doesn't get her way...
But I love her MORE everyday :)
And a couple of Easter pictures!

April 10, 2009

Dada :)

Ella said Dada today! Now, I'm not thoroughly convinced she MEANT to say it, but she did and I was pretty excited! I called Tony right away at work to tell him. Of course now that we want her to say it really bad since we know she can... she won't.

Yesterday was a very special day! :) Tony and I had been in our house 6 months! I can't believe it! Half a year already has flown by!

Today was a good day too. Kristin and I went together to celebrate her good grade on her math test by getting pedicures! It was soooo nice! I definitly wish we could do it more often! Ella slept almost the whole time too so that was an added bonus! :) Then we got chick fil a for lunch and I haven't had it in forever. So tasty!

Tonight Tony & I are going on a date. We're going to see Observe & report. I'm excited, it's our first date in a while & i'm really looking forward to spending the evening just us. (for a couple of hours at least!)

April 7, 2009

Only Tuesday :(

Is it the weekend yet? I really can't believe it's only Tuesday. I'm so exhausted, and just can't seem to kick this sinus infection! I just still feel awful! When I got to work at 3:00 today I realized I was supposed to be in at 1:00! I thought I was coming in early tomorrow :( Hopefully this weekend will hurry up and get here and we can just enjoy our first Easter with Ella.

Today I finally went and bought Ella her Easter dress (and a few other things!). It's so cute, pink and green flowers :) I also got her a little white sweater to wear over it since it's only going to be 50 degrees Sunday. :( I had lunch with Emily & Rachel at applebees today & it was SO yummy, then met up with Kristin for a little bit. Ella had a blowout while we were at the mall, and then I realized I didn't pack any extra pants for her! Poor girl had to wear just a long shirt and I covered her up with my jacket to keep her warm!

I found a dress for me too, I really like it, but after shopping today I realized how bad I want to lose the rest of this baby weight. Tony & I are going to be getting either a treadmill or an eliptical maybe in a few weeks. Then i'm going to try really hard to start motivating myself to work out everyday and eat better. I hope to lose the rest of the weight, and maybe then some at least by the end of summer. (Hopefully sooner!)

April 6, 2009

Spring cleaning!

Well it's Monday again. Hopefully this week will be a better week than last! I'm finally on an antibiotic and sort of starting to feel better! Yesterday was my dad's birthday so we went over to my parent's house and had lunch, and cake and ice cream. Tony & I were both not feeling too well so we didn't stay too long. We went to Walmart, and then went home and did some MAJOR spring cleaning! We cleaned the entire house! It looks great now, but it definitly wore us out. We went to bed about 8:00 too! It's so nice to go to bed and know we have a clean house though.

Ella has been waking up around 7:30 every morning like clockwork. It hasn't been the easiest to get used to either! I was exhausted this morning. I didn't sleep very well last night. I was coughing about every 30 seconds, and then around 3:30 Ella woke up and was SOAKED head to toe, so I had to change her, and give her a quick little bath and get her in fresh jamis. At that point she was WIDE awake and thought it was time to play! I went ahead and gave her a bottle and she was STILL awake! So we sat out on the couch making sure we didn't wake daddy up and she just talked talked talked. :) Finally she talked herself right to sleep and back to bed we went! So this morning we cuddled on the couch and watched sleepless in Seatle while we waited for daddy to come home for lunch :)

I just realized that there is one birthday a week (at least) for the next month! :) Looks like we're going to be having lots of family time this month! Tomorrow i'm going to go shopping and hopefully find something to wear for Easter, and get Ella an Easter dress. I feel kind of like a bad mom for putting it off until the last minute!

I think tonight Tony & I will watch the NCAA championship game. Hopefully Michigan State can pull off a win! :) Hope everyone has a good week!

April 3, 2009

Happy Friday!

I can't believe it's Friday already! This week has flown by! Yesterday Ella & I went to Target with Kristin and I bought her a couple adorable new outfits and a SUPER cute little baby bikini! It's a litte big now but should fit her perfectly for this summer! I also got Ella a bunch of new bows! I think she has every color now! :)
I registered to take a couple of classes this summer, and in the fall. Its going to be hard to go back to school after having this semester off! I'm hoping to be accepted into the LPN-RN transition program that will start next January. If I get in, I'll have my RN by August 2010, which would be awesome!
Well i'm glad the weekend is here now. I've been pretty sick all week, and i'm looking forward to getting to spend some time with Tony tonight! The Fisher's come back from the Caymans tomorrow, and Sunday is my dad's birthday! Looks like it's going to be a family filled weekend!

March 31, 2009


I've probably been posting too much lately :) But I haven't had much else to do. Today was a pretty lazy day. Played with Ella all morning, and worked all evening. Ella was pretty angry most of the day. She's been sleeping through the night every night, but waking up when Tony is getting ready for work. I'm not really enjoying the schedule of being up before 8am! I don't think Ella is either because after about 30 minutes she is tired, fussy, and in desperate need for a nap. Today was the first time Ella has ever fallen asleep while playing. It was so adorable I had to document it and take pictures. She took an hour long nap, and when she woke up, she started playing again like she had never even fallen asleep!

A couple hours after that incident Ella broke out in a sob fest. More like a scream fest really. She was inconsolable for about 30 minutes! :( Broke my heart, I knew something was wrong but I couldn't make her better. Such a helpless feeling when you can't make whatevers wrong go away. Turns out Ella seems to be trying to cut her first tooth. Her gums are pretty swollen and as soon as I put her baby oragel on she started gulping her bottle and fell right asleep. This time took a nice long 2 1/2 hour nap! Poor baby. Makes me kind of sad to think she's going to have teeth soon! She's really not just my teeny tiny baby anymore!

On other news, I'm starting to think Ella is left handed! Maybe she's not, and its too early to tell but when she's on her tummy her left arm is stronger than her right, and she holds things better in her left hand it seems, and she even reaches more with her left hand. Time will tell :) Just observing! I'm still not sure what color her pretty little eyes are going to be either. Some days they seem pretty blue, but lately they're more gray than normal. I kind of hope they turn brown like her mommy and daddy's, but either way they will be beautiful :)

Last thing! Ella had her first bath in the BIG bathtub last night! She loved it! Tony was holding her in the tub and she would just kick her legs and splash! I can't wait to take her to the pool this summer!

March 30, 2009


Enjoy! :) Shes so stinkin cute!


Lots of new pictures of miss Ella :) She sure is getting big!

Happy Family!

Carrot face!

watching the game!

my new favorite picture of my favorite people!

Ella's new trick!

Mommy, Ella, and Zoey!

Big girl!

Ella's new pretty pink bow!


So in all the free time I i've had lately ive picked up a new hobby: photo editing! I'm pretty addicted to picnik now. Its so fun to play on, but i'm sure I waste way too much time on it! :) Just thought i'd share a couple of my new projects! :)

One of these days I will actually upload some new pictures/videos of Ella! :)

March 29, 2009


Oh how I love Sundays. They are without a doubt my favorite day of every week. It's the only day where Tony and I are both off work, and get to spend the whole day together! :) Today we are at the Fisher's house. We have pretty much spent the weekend here enjoying their cable and Internet (and bathtub for Tony). They're in the Cayman islands all week, and i'm not going to lie i'm pretty jealous about that! Its SNOWING today! In MARCH! Ridiculous. I'm definitely ready for spring to be here and stay!

I haven't posted in a few days but a few exciting things have been going on. Thursday Ella and I went to my friend Kristin's house for the afternoon. She just bought a baby chihuahua named Zoey, who is literally the size of a rat. Well, Ella LOVED her. Seriously. I know it seems a bit strange for a four month old to really enjoy a puppy, but she did. Ella would hold Zoey on her lap, and touch her head, and when Zoey would chew on Ella's fingers or lick her, Ella would just LAUGH. I have a video of it, which I'll have to add in a few days. It's one of the cutest things ever.

Speaking of laughing, up until this week Ella has only sort of giggled. She would do it a lot, but since Thursday she has been really laughing SO much, and so often! It's awesome. To date, it's probably one of the cutest things she has done. She has been into mimicking people lately. The other day Susan got her to smack her lips together, and then Friday we got her to stick her tongue out really far when we would do it! :) (I also have a video of that!) Every day Ella gets more and more fun! Now if she would just start rolling over!

March 23, 2009

4 month check up!

.Four months old ALREADY!
(a little late, she was 4 months on the 13th)
.Ella this month: 4 months old!

Seems like we just brought her home from the hospital yesterday. Today was her four month checkup at the doctor, and she had to get sh0ts :( but she did great!

.The things I want to remember.

14lbs 3oz (50Th percentile)
25.5 in (95Th percentile)

*Ella LOVES car rides, and always falls asleep
*She had rice cereal for the first time & did wonderful!
*Almost always sleeps through the night
*Ella loves to be NAKED!
*She loves to snuggle with her bunny in her carseat
*Ella likes to stand on our laps
*Smiles & giggles at everything!
*She's starting to have a BIT of stranger anxiety (and I kind of like it!)
*She loves when daddy raps with her
*the once dreaded bathtime is now so FUN
*She chews on her hands constantly, and sometimes goes for the whole fist
*She needs her blankie right next to her face when sleeping
*She loves watching t.v.
*she talks in her sleep
*She almost NEVER wants her paci anymore
*She loves hugs and kisses and being snuggled

*I love her MORE and MORE every day!
(A few more pictures)

March 22, 2009

Go Boilers!

I'm so excited that Purdue is in the sweet 16 now! The game last night was awesome, we really were on the edge of our seats those last few minutes too! Yesterday we had a pretty relaxing day. I worked in the morning until 3:00, and then came back to Tony's parent's house and Tony and I went on a VERY long walk through the woods. It was such a beautiful day yesterday, and we took quite a few pictures on our walk.

Last night Tony & I actually got to go on a date. I love Ella to death, but it is really nice to be able to get out every now and then just Tony and I. We went to bdubs for a quick dinner and watched some more of the games. After dinner we went to see Watchmen. It was good, definitly a long movie but we really enjoyed it. It got out pretty late though, luckily when we came to pick up Ella, Tony was able to get her into the carseat without waking her up, and then out of it and into bed when we got home. ALL while she was still sleeping! :) (Good job Tony!) She slept straight through the night too! It was wonderful!

Today, we're back at Tim & Susan's house for more basketball :) And then a cookout for Tony's grandpa's 81st birthday! Its been a pretty great weekend, too bad it's almost over. Weekends always go way too fast.

March 21, 2009


Well my shopping trip to Edinburgh was definitely a success! I am so proud of all the great deals I found! Except for a few pairs of pants, I think Ella's winter wardrobe is complete now. The Children's Place had a bunch of racks of clothes for only $1.99 each, I couldn't believe it! My favorite purchase of the day was at the Columbia store though. I found a pink 18 month winter coat with snow overalls that was originally $125 marked down to only $14! :) Its going to be perfect for Ella this winter, and the jacket might even fit her the following year as well. I thought it was such a good deal, I went ahead and bought a 3T purple winter coat for whenever she outgrows the pink one! (Originally $90, I got it for $12) It makes me sad to think she is going to be big enough to fit into all those clothes soon though.

Yesterday I also realized how fast Ella is growing. This occurred to me when I saw baby Gwen for the first time. She is so cute and tiny, its hard to believe that Ella was ever that small. Especially only four short months ago. She isn't a little baby anymore that's for sure. I'm enjoying her in the 4 month stage though. :)

Today Tony worked really hard on our backyard. When we bought the house in October, Tony and his dad trimmed all of the trees. (We have about 10 in the back!) So today he took all of those branches to my parents, and raked close to 12 bags of leaves! He also put new grass seed on the lawn. It took him a while to get everything done, but it's looking great now! I'll post pictures once the grass starts to grow!

Lately Tony & I have been watching a lot of basketball. We are really into the NCAA tournament this year and made quite a few brackets! I was sure this year I was going to win that million dollars, unfortunately my brackets aren't near as good as I hoped they would be! Tony is doing pretty well on a couple of his though.

March 18, 2009

First blog! :)

So I finally broke down and i'm starting our first blog. I figure this way we will be able to keep our family and friends updated on our ever changing lives and growing daughter! :) Yesterday I didn't end up having to work, so Tony & I got to celebrate St. Patty's day together. We went to Scotty's for dinner. We saw a lot of old friends and everyone was excited to see Ella. She turned 4 months old on Friday. I can't believe how fast time has gone, and how quickly she is changing. She is such a happy baby & smiles and laughs all the time! Tomorrow i'm going shopping down in Edinburgh with Ella, my mom, Dorothy, Megan, and her new baby Gwen! :) I'm excited, and hopefully going to be able to get a bunch of Ella's clothes for this winter on clearance! At least that's the plan! I'll post some new pictures of Ella tomorrow!